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Lanotec Wire Rope Lube

Lanotec Wire Rope Lube

Penetrates, lubricates and protects wire ropes in corrosive environments.

  • Unique lubrication and corrosion protection for wire ropes and chains in harsh enviroments 
  • Lubticates and protects wire ropes afainst the corrosive effects of salt water 
  • Penetrates to the core of the wire rope 
  • Best use on wire ropes above 16mm
  • Ideal for use on hogh load industrial chains 
  • Ideal for use on rig and marine cranes 
  • Safe to use in and around waterways and coastal environments 
  • Highly resistant to wash-off
  • Non polluting 
  • Biodegradable 
  • Moisture, salt, acid & fertliser resistant 
  • Idea for environmentally sensitive areas & waterways 

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